
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Sofa Slip Covers: The Transition

There are many reasons why sofa slip covers were invented. The initial purpose of these cover ups are really all about maintaining the furniture clean. Many times families gather in the sofa. Others even sleep there and live there, especially the unemployed.

People watch TV in the couches, eat and drink there. It is no wonder why some couches are smelly. If you sleep there, definitely, saliva and sweat resides there. If you are a couch potato, eat and drink there, chances are, there are crumbs from the food and some spills from your intakes. People are only one of the reasons why sofas are dirty.

Another reason why it is would be the pets. If you have pets in the house like dogs or cats, chances are they also reside in your couch. They jump in and out of there and they too, sometimes sleep there. These pets leave hairs and they sometimes even scratch the sofas leaving it with unflattering marks. When you also have kids, most of the time, the kids do the same thing to with your couch. They will run their car toys in the couch and it will also leave weird markings.

Back in the day, sofa slip covers were all about this initial purpose. Nowadays, even if it still serves the initial purpose, it serves it in style. Before furniture slipcovers were like cloths that simply hang to the sofa. It is either too big or too small.

It is not necessarily fitted slipcovers. Slipcovers before also leave wrinkles, crumples, folds, drapes that are totally unflattering when you look at the sofa. Because of this the initial purpose of slipcovers depicts its purpose because you do not necessarily cover the whole area. It sometimes slips off the sofa so dirt can still come in.

Good thing now, the slipcovers for sofa have reinvented themselves and are reborn. Today, these cover ups are form and function put together. These covers fit the sofa well due to the stretchable materials that are now used. The seat covers can fit whatever size of couch and whatever style too from rectangle, square, circle, T-shaped, ottoman, recliners and so on.

Another problem that was encountered before was that there are no covers for the other parts of the chair like the arm rests. Today, there are sectional slipcovers that are available in the market too. There are different kinds too like the ones for one or two piece.

The best thing about slipcovers is that they are very affordable. You can buy it for only $200 instead of having your set upholstered or buying new sofa sets. If $200 still sounds not good for you, you can check out sale seasons like the seasonal sales to get more discounts. Seasonal sales happen every time they pull out the old stocks and replace with new ones. However, there might be limited stocks for sale items so it is really up to you—your budget, needs and wants. For sure, there is one for you.

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